
Specialised Kinesiology Balances

Spesialised Kinesiology: Balance the Physical, Mental & Emotional Energetically using different Kinesiological Modalities, i.e. Neural Organization Technique, Neuro Training, Emotional Kinesiology, Touch For Health, Integrative NeuroGastroEnterology, Learn 2 Learn & Jaw R.E.S.E.T. Enhance your sporting, learning and work performance. Click here to find out more

Willow Natural Supplements, Minerals & Herbal Remedies

Willow Natural Products & Supplements: A wide range of Herbals / Minerals / Vitamins / Homeopathics & Essential Oils in Capsules / Tinctures / Powders / Softgels & Creams.

Willow / Lotus Classical Chinese Medicine Herbal Remedies

Willow Classical Chinese Herbal Formulas: A new range of Herbal products based on Classical Chinese Medicine formulae

AllisOne Biochemic Mineral Tissue Salts

AllisOne Tissue Salts: The full range of Biochemical TissueSalts #1 to #12 and Synergy Combinations.

Facial Signs Analysis for Biochemical Mineral Deficiencies

Facial Analysis: Determining mineral shortages in the body by analysing facial signs and features and correcting the deficits by using AllisOne Tissue Salts.   

Weight Loss Program

Natural Weight Loss products on their own or in combination with Specialised Kinesiology is extremely effective.

Allergy / Sensitivity & Supplement Testing

Allergies and Sensitivities & Supplement Testing: Using Kinesiology to determine allergies or chemical sensitivities, as well as testing your current supplements to see if the body is actually absorbing and using the nutrients.